Sunday, August 28, 2011

USL 3.6.5

Before this release I had a lot of complaints and constructive-criticism from rohitab members. I fixed the code to be much more intuitive and easier to understand. I also added threading functionality and the ability to assign a string variable with the stdout of an application.

I completely changed these keywords: methdef, objdef, listdef, methend, objend

I replaced them with: method, object, list, ;;

To see examples of the new code and keywords in general visit the wiki.

To download 3.6.5, you can visit any of the following links:


Sunday, August 14, 2011

USL 3.6.3

In this release I have added the ability to assign public and private members to objects.  Previously all members of an object were passed on via inheritance.  Now you can be specific with what is inherited.

I have also added the ability to break loop flow.  This is a feature that I have been working on for awhile.

Here is an example of breaking the loop flow with the "leave!" command:
for 1 < 15
        @a += "${$}, "
        if "${$}" == 5

say @a                   # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 

The public and private keywords are used similarly as in C++ but without the colon. Just as in C++, they can be used as many times as you need and wherever you need.

To download 3.6.3, you can visit any of the following links:


Introduction to USL++

Unorthodox Scripting Language is a light-weight, high-level, and object-oriented scripting language.  USL is written with C++ and compiled on both Linux and Win32 operating systems.  There is no socket capabilities in USL, but I will implement that in the near future.  USL was written in a few months, so don't expect it to be exactly perfect.  However, USL is quite powerful for such a small programming language and practical as a general purpose scripting language on a local system.

Regardless of whether or not you are a hacker or an everyday programmer, you will find the ability to quickly write fully functional applications (with an interpreter only consuming 1153kb of your hard-drive) quite handy.  It is completely portable, you can place the executable on a flash-drive and use it wherever you may need.

When a script is not supplied, USL becomes a fully programmable and customizable command-line shell.  You may store variable definitions for future use and remove them when they are no longer needed.  All commands of the underlying shell are fully accessible, ensuring the applicability of USL as a scripting language.

To see code examples, you can visit the wiki.

To download USL, you can visit any of the following links:


Please send any suggestions or comments to:

I check my e-mail frequently and will be able to respond quickly.

I will post release information as I continue to perfect USL on this blog and at freshmeat.

Thank you and happy hacking!